Your Safety Is Always Our Top Priority
It may seem cliché to say our workers are our most valuable resource, but we do believe it
Our goal is and always has been to ensure every one of our employees and contractors go home at the end of the day without having caused harm or having been harmed in any way.
To these ends we have developed our programs to ensure we are capturing and evaluating issues as they occur. Everyone is accountable to participate in a safe workplace and is expected and encouraged to take the appropriate action to maintain a safe environment. ADEN believes our people are family, and in some cases, they are so we do our best to ensure we are all taken care of together and create an open safe work environment to all we work alongside.
We are proud to be COR certified by the Alberta Construction Safety Association and have scored highly in our assessments every year since our accreditation. We are also in good standing with WCB and are happy to provide our clients with our rate sheet that certifies our standing.